RealSpeed is a driving simulator that can generate a coherent visual scene from measured or simulated rotations per minute (RPM) over time data.

The program features also an simple interactive mode where the user can drive along a straight road of predefined patches, i.e. scenery elements which are provided by the software.

SweetSpotter GUI

SweetSpotter enabled

The area of application is primarily for the use in psycho-physical experiments.

Recorded sound and vibrations can be synchronized with the rendered video. The visual motion will help to generate a feeling of movement without distracting the participant.

The picture on the left shows the motion simulator in the Multimodal Measurement Lab at the Chair of Communication Acoustics at TU Dresden.


SweetSpotter disabled

The software is capable of converting RPM records into movies of different encodings, either lossy or loss-less up to FullHD resolution.


PDF logo You can download a demo video of a sequence generated using RealSpeed (18 MB). The file is encoded in the Quicktime (.mov) format.


The software was developed by Thomas Zimmermann and Sebastian Merchel using OpenGL. It is open source under the GNU General Public License version 2.0. You can download the program and the code here:

PDF logo RealSpeed executable and source code (Windows, 194 MB)